Believe it or not, adorable dogs aren’t for everyone. That’s one of the reasons why the San Francisco International Airport has added a new member to its four-legged “Wag Brigade” – a pig named LiLou.
SFO’s Wag Brigade allows SPCA animals certified by the Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) Program to greet and comfort hurried travelers as they arrive, depart, or languish through a layover. LiLou is the program’s first pig.
According to the SFSPCA, “At a minimum, AAT pets must be solicitous and fully comfortable with handling. In other words, pets must be interested in and eager to approach people and accept handling, regardless of the person’s age, gender, race, size, mobility equipment usage, and apparel.” LiLou nailed her training and is now dispatched to the airport once a month.
“I can see that she is happy showing off her tricks and getting her praise,” LiLou’s owner, Tatyana Danilova told USA Today. “It also brings positive emotions to me seeing that we can do something good for the community and bring more smiles in some unconventional way.”
LiLou’s SFO schedule is still UP IN THE AIR, so her trick-filled appearances may end up as a surprise to lucky travelers. According to USA Today, LiLou can play music on her toy piano and takes a formal bow after her performances. The prized pig’s ensembles alternate between a “Pet Me” vest and a variety of tutus.
LiLou’s Instagram Page
SF Gate